Statics Reference

    Free Body Diagrams

    A free-body diagram (abbreviated as FBD, also called force diagram) is a diagram used to show the magnitude and direction of all applied forces, moments, and reaction and constraint forces acting on a body. They are important and necessary in solving complex problems in mechanics.

    What is and is not included in a free-body diagram is important. Every free-body diagram should have the following:

    • The body represented as a dot if it is a point mass, and the body itself if it is a rigid body.
    • The external forces/moments. The force vector should indicate: relative magnitude, point of application, and the direction.
    • A properly defined coordinate system

    A free-body diagram should not include the following:

    • Bodies other than the body we are interested in.
    • Forces applied by the body
    • Internal forces depending on the chosen system. For example, a free-body diagram on a truss should not include the forces between individual truss members.
    • Kinematic quantities (velocity and acceleration).


    Always assume the direction of forces/moments to be positive according to the appropriate coordinate system. The calculations from Newton/Euler equations will provide you with the correct direction of those forces/moments. Things that should not follow this are:

    • Gravity
    • Tension
    • Friction if the velocity \( \vec{v} \) is provided


    If forces/moments are present, always begin with a free-body diagram. Do not write down equations before drawing the FBD as those are often simple kinematic equations, or Newton/Euler equations.

    Pulley Idealizations

    In this course we assume that a pulley is frictionless, meaning that the magnitude of the tensile force of the rope on either side of a pulley will be the same.
    $$ {T_1} = {T_2}\ $$

    Spring Idealizations

    In this course, we assume springs are linearly elastic, which means that the force (tension) in the spring is linearly proportional to the extension of the spring (\( s \)) through the spring constant, \( k \).
    $$ {F} = {k*s}\ $$
    $$ {s} = {l-l_0}\ $$

    Smooth Surface Idealizations

    If a surface is described as "smooth", we assume that there is no frictional force on the surface. Therefore, any force applied by the surface is normal to the surface.