Measure | SI system | US system |
Force | [\(N\)] | [\(lb\)] |
Area | [\(m^2\)] | [\(in^2\)] |
Stress | Pascal = [\(Pa\)] = [\(N/m^2\)] | pound per square inch = [\(psi\)] = [\(lb/in^2\)] |
kiloPascal [\(kPa\)] | \(10^3\) [\(Pa\)] |
megaPascal [\(MPa\)] | \(10^6\) [\(Pa\)] |
gigaPascal [\(GPa\)] | \(10^9\) [\(Pa\)] |
Supplemental video:
The components of normal and shear stress can be combined into the stress tensor. This is a symmetric matrix representing the state of stress with respect to three directions.
Learn more about this topic on the Stress Transformation page.
The first subscript describes the surface orientation in the normal direction. The second subscript describes the direction of the stress.